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Dieses Thema hat 7 Antworten
und wurde 450 mal aufgerufen
Maggy Offline


Beiträge: 19.380

02.11.2014 20:44
Maggy's Abutilon Hybriden Antworten

Hier habe ich noch ein paar Abutilons von diesem Jahr.

Die nächste hat eine kleine Blüte ca. 4-6 cm.

LG Margit

"Wenn du das Paradies ertragen kannst, dann komm nach Mallorca ...
Zitat Gertrude Stein

LONGK ( gelöscht )

02.11.2014 21:10
#2 RE: Maggy's Abutilon Hybriden Antworten

I too enjoy the Abutilon hybrids. Very easy from seed the range of colours is a joy. And easy to keep in the winter in the shed where they sit dormant until the spring season begins.

My other half grows a fully hardy Abutilon in her garden - Abutilon suntense................

It really is spectacular in late spring and early summer.............

Maggy Offline


Beiträge: 19.380

02.11.2014 21:39
#3 RE: Maggy's Abutilon Hybriden Antworten

Hello LONGK,
last year my little Abutilon suntense was died in winterquatier.

Your big plant is living in the garden the whole year?
Wow, that's fantastic. I envy you. You really have perfect conditions and temperatures in your garden.

LG Margit

"Wenn du das Paradies ertragen kannst, dann komm nach Mallorca ...
Zitat Gertrude Stein

Maggy Offline


Beiträge: 19.380

02.11.2014 22:09
#4 RE: Maggy's Abutilon Hybriden Antworten

Hello LONGK;
In which USDA-Zone do you live? In 8?

LG Margit

"Wenn du das Paradies ertragen kannst, dann komm nach Mallorca ...
Zitat Gertrude Stein

LONGK ( gelöscht )

03.11.2014 11:14
#5 RE: Maggy's Abutilon Hybriden Antworten

Zitat von Maggy im Beitrag #3
Hello LONGK,
last year my little Abutilon suntense was died in winterquatier.

Your big plant is living in the garden the whole year?
Wow, that's fantastic. I envy you. You really have perfect conditions and temperatures in your garden.

My area is frequently the coldest part of England as we are so far inland. Officially it is classified as zone 8, but we often see overnight lows of -8°c. Over the winter of 2010/11 we had two weeks when the temperature HIGH was -9°c! The photo of the S.suntense was taken facing to the north so in this position the tree receives protection from the wall and the shed building. It has been there for 14 years now.

Maggy Offline


Beiträge: 19.380

03.11.2014 11:41
#6 RE: Maggy's Abutilon Hybriden Antworten

Hello LONGK,
do you have to cover the Abutilon suntense in winter, protect the root zone?

Is it true that this plant blooms all summer long?

LG Margit

"Wenn du das Paradies ertragen kannst, dann komm nach Mallorca ...
Zitat Gertrude Stein

LONGK ( gelöscht )

03.11.2014 12:37
#7 RE: Maggy's Abutilon Hybriden Antworten

Zitat von Maggy im Beitrag #6
Hello LONGK,
do you have to cover the Abutilon suntense in winter, protect the root zone?

No. It just sits there all winter with no protection except the wall and the shed building.

Zitat von Maggy im Beitrag #6
Is it true that this plant blooms all summer long?
No. It blooms magnificently for about 6 to 8 weeks in late spring and early summer and then produces just a few flowers for the rest of summer.

Maggy Offline


Beiträge: 19.380

08.11.2014 09:37
#8 RE: Maggy's Abutilon Hybriden Antworten

Heute hat der nächste Sämling seine erste relativ große Blüte geöffnet.
Kräfig orangefarben mit weinroter Mitte und weinroten Äderchen.

Es war mal wieder ein Geduldsspiel um die Farbe beim fotografieren originalgetreu hin zubekommen.
Klappt leider bei Rottönen nicht so richtig.

LG Margit

"Wenn du das Paradies ertragen kannst, dann komm nach Mallorca ...
Zitat Gertrude Stein

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