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Dieses Thema hat 8 Antworten
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LONGK ( gelöscht )

01.12.2014 12:17
Brugmansia sanguinea Antworten

The reasonably warm summer followed by a mild autumn agrees with Brugmansia sanguinea. Here is mine in bloom.

Die einigermaßen warmen Sommer gefolgt von einem milden Herbst stimmt Brugmansia sanguinea. Hier ist mir in voller Blüte.

My plant survived outdoors in the winter of 2012/13 where iit suffered temperatures as low as -12°c, although it took too long to recover to flower in 2013.

Meine Pflanze überlebt im Freien im Winter 2012/13, wo iit erlitten Temperaturen bis zu -12 ° C, auch wenn es zu lange, um zu blühen im Jahr 2013 erholen nahm.

Maggy Offline


Beiträge: 19.380

01.12.2014 16:11
#2 RE: Brugmansia sanguinea Antworten

Hello LONGK,


My plant survived outdoors in the winter of 2012/13 where iit suffered temperatures as low as -12°c, although it took too long to recover to flower in 2013.

That's fantastic. The Brugmasia sanguinea was then determined but protected and dry.
I have made with relatively hardy exotics the experience, but do not survive if they are too wet in winter, so.

LG Margit

"Wenn du das Paradies ertragen kannst, dann komm nach Mallorca ...
Zitat Gertrude Stein

LONGK ( gelöscht )

02.12.2014 09:12
#3 RE: Brugmansia sanguinea Antworten

Zitat von Maggy im Beitrag #2
Hello LONGK,


My plant survived outdoors in the winter of 2012/13 where iit suffered temperatures as low as -12°c, although it took too long to recover to flower in 2013.

That's fantastic. The Brugmasia sanguinea was then determined but protected and dry.
I have made with relatively hardy exotics the experience, but do not survive if they are too wet in winter, so.

Believe it or not it was fully exposed to the worst of the winter weather! It was a bad winter here and it spent a lot of time covered by snow.

Maggy Offline


Beiträge: 19.380

02.12.2014 10:43
#4 RE: Brugmansia sanguinea Antworten

Hello LONGK,
when plants are covered with snow, and it shall also warm and protect from frost. I've already experienced.
In contrast, plants without snow cover does not survive.

Ups. That reminds me, my Brugmansia Mobisu is still in the garden behind a hedge.
I have totally forgotten.

LG Margit

"Wenn du das Paradies ertragen kannst, dann komm nach Mallorca ...
Zitat Gertrude Stein

LONGK ( gelöscht )

04.12.2014 06:33
#5 RE: Brugmansia sanguinea Antworten

Snow cover certainly helped, but the roots in the pot were frozen solid for many weeks! So all in all it is a very tough plant!

Your Brug will be fine. A good chill is good treatment for any parasites that may be hiding on it.

Maggy Offline


Beiträge: 19.380

04.12.2014 10:52
#6 RE: Brugmansia sanguinea Antworten

Hello LONGK,
I have assassin bugs on my Brugmansia.

A good chill is good treatment for any parasites that may be hiding on it.

How do you mean? Real Chili?
And how do you turn this on to the plant?

LG Margit

"Wenn du das Paradies ertragen kannst, dann komm nach Mallorca ...
Zitat Gertrude Stein

LONGK ( gelöscht )

04.12.2014 11:58
#7 RE: Brugmansia sanguinea Antworten

Zitat von Maggy im Beitrag #6
Hello LONGK,
I have assassin bugs on my Brugmansia.

A good chill is good treatment for any parasites that may be hiding on it.

How do you mean? Real Chili?
And how do you turn this on to the plant?

Sorry - lost in translation I mean cool or even cold if the plant will survive it.
Chill = cold or cool temperature.

Maggy Offline


Beiträge: 19.380

04.12.2014 12:27
#8 RE: Brugmansia sanguinea Antworten

Sorry - lost in translation I mean cool or even cold if the plant will survive it.
Chill = cold or cool temperature.

Sometimes it is very funny, what translation makes.

I have experienced twice with my own breeding Passiflora "Kimmy".
She stood in my fathers Greehouse and was full of spider mites.
I took the plant outsite in the garden to clean there from the mites. Then I've forgotten it.
At night there was neat frost. The shoots were all frozen, but the roots have survived and the spider mites were all dead.
The Passiflora continued to grow in Greenhouse and was free of spider mites.

LG Margit

"Wenn du das Paradies ertragen kannst, dann komm nach Mallorca ...
Zitat Gertrude Stein

LONGK ( gelöscht )

06.12.2014 02:17
#9 RE: Brugmansia sanguinea Antworten

Tonight my Strelitzia reginea came in to the cool part of the house. Minus 3 centigrade is more than I want to expose that plant to.

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